What is Retirement Planning?

Simply put, retirement planning is looking into the future and starting saving for that time so that you continue to do things and meet your expenses and goals. Retirement planning also includes estimating the amount of money you'll need and setting goals accordingly. Once you set that goal, you can start investing wisely.

Why should you plan?

When you retire, you set new goals for life ahead and meet those goals without worrying about the income and expenses. With a deliberate plan for your post-retirement life, you can achieve those goals without additional liabilities or dependence.

How a retirement plan works?


Combat a crisis

With the right kind of retirement plan, you can build a crisis fund that will keep you ready for unexpected emergencies. You would not want to depend on others in such a situation.



Fight higher cost of living.

Planning for retirement and saving money in advance in a systematic manner can help fight inflation. According to the CPI inflation data, the prices of consumer goods in India grew 6.2% in 2020. What you buy for Rs.1000 would cost a lot more tomorrow.



Maintain the standard of living.

Even after retirement, you can continue the same standard of living as you did with your monthly earnings. Earn a regular income from your retirement plan and meet your expenses without hassle.



Live longer with little to worry.

Prepare yourself for a longer post-retirement income with a good retirement plan and meet your goals without help from anybody.


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